
Friday, January 6, 2012

Technology Integration Lesson Plan

These seven step program should assist you in developing successful technology integration lesson plans:

Step 1.Learn About NETS Standards
Step 2. Examine and Distinguish Between Different Types of Technologies
Step 3. Identify Potential Areas in Your Curriculum
Step 4. Develop a Technology-Integrated Lesson Plan
Step 5. Identify Considerations for Using Technology in Your Classroom
Step 6. Assess Your Technology Integration Lesson Plan
Step 7. Go!

Step 1. Learn About NETS Standards

Teachers use technology to maximize student learning, to facilitate technology-enhanced experiences, to support learner-centered strategies, to develop students' higher order skills and creativity, and to manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) list different technology tools for students: productivity, communications, research, problem-solving and decision-making tools.

Explore NETS website and identify important standards and technology tools for students in your classroom.

Step 2. Examine and Distinguish Between Different Types of Technologies

I've divided different types of technologies into 14 groups:

1. Word Processing and Publishing

2. Spreadsheets and Databases

3. Presentations

4. Graphic Design and Animation

5. Web Design

6. Digital Photo

7. Digital Video

8. Educational Games and Simulations

9. Social Networking

10. Wiki

11. Blog

12. Podcasting

13. Distance Learning

14. Videoconferencing

Select specific software, Web resources, or hardware that appear to have the most potential for use in your classroom.

Step 3. Identify Potential Areas in Your Curriculum

Identify several curricular activities that you use in your classroom that may have the potential for technology integration.
List 3-5 lessons which could be enriched by technology integration.

Step 4. Develop a Technology-Integrated Lesson Plan

Explore the following Web resources:

The Best Practices of Technology Integration
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators

Choose a lesson from your curriculum that you will use for technology integration. Your technology integration lesson plan should include:
1. Grade
2. Date
3. Subject
4. Description
5. Activities
6. Tools and Resources (software, hardware, websites)
7. Assessment.

Step 5. Identify Considerations for Using Technology in Your Classroom

Evaluate the feasibility of your technology integrated lesson plan and think how the Technology Department can support you in implementing technology into your classroom:
1. Request via the Help Desk necessary for your lesson hardware and software
2. Schedule with the computer teacher to visit your class and introduce software and hardware.

Step 6. Assess Your Technology Integration Lesson Plan

After finishing your technology integration lesson plan, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Will technology help students to achieve the curricular objectives?
  • Will students be motivated by the technology?
  • Will technology be critical to accomplish your lesson goals and objectives?
  • Will technology support different student ability levels?
  • Will available equipment be sufficient for the number of students in your classroom?
  • Do you need to obtain and install new software?
  • Do you need help to introduce new software to students?

Step 7. Go!


National Educational Technology Standards for Students
Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for All Teachers
The Best Practices of Technology Integration

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