Subject: Speech
Grade: IV
The students create PowerPoint presentation with video, sound clips and still photos for The Information Speech class. This unit requires from students to use a visual (or aural) aid as a part of their verbal presentation.
Technology used:
- Students have different operating systems on their computers and this creates problems during the Chapel presentations.
- Students should learn advanced Microsoft PowerPoint to be able to import video and sound files and create interactive presentations.
HOMEWORK for Monday, October 1st
Your first major speech will be an “Informative” Speech of of 6 minutes in length, and it is due Oct 22nd. Visual aids in the form of a computer projection should be used for this project. You will also be required to use note cards and an outline form. In addition, you will be required to use at least four of the different stylistic devices as listed in Chapter 9. On your note cards you will underline the elements of style and label them. You will hand in your cards to be graded after you present your speech. We will tape your delivery of your introduction on October 16th. Your grade for this speech & your outline will be your most heavily weighted grade of the quarter.
Think of some subject you have special information about, which you could share with the class. Perhaps you have a special hobby or skill, or perhaps you have had some special life experiences, traveled to an unusual place, or lived in a foreign country for some years. Maybe your cultural background includes traditions that would be of interest to the class. Whatever you choose, you must also think of some interesting visual aids to enhance your speech. These might include objects, maps, drawings of your own, projected on an overhead projector, charts, pictures, or video clips. If you choose a video clip you must provide the narration. Do NOT use text for your visual presentation unless it labels pictures or graphs you are usiung.
Informative Speech Timeline:
Due Tuesday, October 2nd , you should have read Chapter 11 and chosen a topic for your Informative speech. You should write down your choice of topic and visual aid, along with a Thesis statement to hand in on that day. You also should think about how you want to organize your speech according to the categories in Chapter 11.
Due Wed/Thurs. October 4/5th
Read Chapter 9 on Stylistic Devices, be ready to be quizzed on them.
Due Tuesday, October 9th Newscast Presentation Videotaped
Refer to Chapter 9 in your text on Stylistic Devices. Create an original Newscast of 60 seconds in length and be ready to perform it for the class.
You may choose from any subject matter: International news, local news, movie reviews, weather, sports, or late breaking stories. Your subject matter must be entirely original. I don’t want any REAL news. You will be required to use at least FOUR DIFFERENT stylistic devices in your newscast. Possibilities would include: Alliteration, Assonance, Repeated words, Parallel Structure, Antithesis, Rhetorical Questions, Exaggeration, Irony, Metaphor, and Simile.
Since these newscasts will have to be carefully written, you should use note cards. You will underline and label your stylistic devices, so I know that your use of them is intentional, and you will hand these note cards in after you make your newscast. We will videotape these presentations and watch them before you give your informative speech so you can look for things to work on in your personal delivery style. Practice your delivery so that it is smooth and so you are not looking down at your cards all the time. Try to be as smooth and professional as a real newscaster, with no stumbles! Listen to how they do it on TV and see if you can be as smooth. You will be graded on both your notecards and your delivery.
Due Thursday/Friday October 11th/12th :
Using Chapter 11 to help you, create an outline for your speech. Make two copies, one to keep and one to hand in. Choose the method of organization that you feel will best convey your message. Write down what this organizing principle will be, and be ready to speak about your plans to the class. Make sure you include FACTS, OPINIONS, STATISTICS, ANALOGIES, INCIDENTS, and QUOTATIONS as part of the development of your speech. You will receive a model of an outline with which you can work. You will be graded on your outline.
Due Monday, October 15th :
Read Chapter 12 on Introductions & Conclusions. Using Chapter 12 as a reference, create and come to class with an Introduction & Conclusion for your speech written on Note cards. We will VIDEO your introduction on MONDAY.
You MUST use stylistic devices and include elements that make for a strong introduction, as described in our text. We will video your introductions and you will view the video of your work.
You MUST test out your materials in ADVANCE on the computer connected to our projector. You may want to email files to your Poly account and then download them, or you may bring in a disk or a memory stick. If you are using a CD for an aural aid, please bring that in as well to test it.
Due Thursday/Friday, October 18th/19th You should come to class on with your final version of your outline pasted onto your note cards. You will be able to practice giving your speech to a colleague in class. I need to SEE the note cards before you give your speech, so that I know you are ready, and so I can tell you if you have not followed the assignment. That way, you will have time to fix it before it is too late! You will be graded down if you do not have your note cards ready.
Monday, October 22nd Presentation of Informative Speeches
You will deliver your Informative Speech. We will pick random numbers to decide who goes first.
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