
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mr. Taylor: Google Earth Simulations

Google Earth is a free application that uses satellite and aerial imagery to produce 3-D visualization of the globe. Google Earth allows viewers to zoom in/out, rotate views, see terrain, roads, rivers, and oceans (from Teaching and Learning with Google Earth). Google Earth is available for free download.


Mr. Taylor, US Latin Teacher, is using Google Earth in his classroom to create simulations. In this video, Mr. Taylor demonstrates a simulation he created for his students when he taught Bayeux Tapestry

Mr. Taylor always starts his simulations from the view of North America, New York State, Brooklyn, and zooms into a current location, a Poly Prep campus.

In Google Earth, with some effort you can create seamlessly flowing tours. First, you have to select the actual locations for your virtual tour and spend some time exploring them. In Google Earth, the large cities, as New York City, have many 3D buildings. The satellite images show mountains, canyons, oceans, and rivers, and provide teachers with opportunity to teach not only History, but also Geography.

Mr. Taylor takes students to the airport which gives them a sense of leaving the country and going somewhere else.

Students travel across the English Channel, and then the simulation brings them to the various cities and locations where King Harold traveled in Bayeux Tapestry.

Please watch a video with Mr. Taylor's discussing his Bayeux Tapestry simulation in Google Earth.


If you would like to create your own Google Earth simulations, watch Mr. Taylor's Google Earth tutorial.

Mr. Taylor was a presenter at NYSAIS Teaching with Technology Conference, and you can view his workshop at