
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mindsets and Motivation Online Course

The Mindset Works EducatorKit Mindsets and Motivation course is developed to provide teachers with the growth mindset knowledge and tools to help them support their students’ learning and success.  The core training is comprised of five online modules that each take 10-18 minutes to complete, and additional tools help staff teams and individual teachers implement mindset practice.

If you have an account with the the Mindset Works and purchased the EducatorKit go to to access the Mindsets and Motivation course and click on the tab “Educator Courses.” 

Watch the Mindsets and Motivation introduction video:

The course consists of 4 modules:

In Module 1, you'll learn about two mindsets that students can have about their ability, and how they impact behavior and achievement.  You'll learn how to assess your own students' mindsets and identify areas for focus in your classroom. The Mindset Assessment Profile is a useful tool which helps teachers to assess students’ mindsets—their beliefs about the malleability of intelligence, the relative importance of learning and perfect performance, and their attitudes toward effort and mistakes.  Teachers can interview the students using questions from the Mindset Interview Protocol.

In Module 2, you'll learn how the messages we give students through feedback impact their mindsets and performance, and how we can promote a growth mindset through framing and feedback in  classroom. Teachers can use the Growth Mindset Framing Tool or the Growth Mindset Feedback Tool to practice growth-mindset focused language during interaction with a particular student.

In Module 3, you'll learn how the brain changes through learning, and about the teaching and learning practices the support this development. Based on the motivational and mindset profile of students, teachers can use or adapt one of the Goal Setting Tracking Templates from the Resources links to help them to set a goal for mastery of a key skill or concept.

In Module 4, you'll learn about how teaching students about the malleable brain develops motivation and improves performance. Teachers will learn how to introduce the malleable mind to your students, and how to teach them effective learning strategies. Teachers can have your students review the Study Tips Planning Guide and identify “brain-wise” strategies that they already use and some that they would like to try, create a goal, and plan how they will achieve it.

Resources for Student Interest Inventories & Applications
Guidelines and process for building on students’ interests, including sample inventories.

Examples of unit & lesson plans connecting to students’ interests:
Social studies unit on world religions, including a student interest inventory.
Geography lesson using technology to map students’ communities. (Click on link to “Procedures for Teachers” and scroll down to Steps/Introductory Activity.)
Math lesson using key skills to calculate cost of living independently.

Teacher-created math rap videos:
HS Math Rap with teacher and students
Triangle Experts
Graphing Trig Functions 


Friday, September 14, 2012

Jog the Web

JOG THE WEB is a web-based tool that allows anyone to create a synchronous guide to a series of web sites. It provides a step-by-step approach of taking viewers through web sites and allows the author to annotate and ask guiding questions for each page.

You can add comments within your jog and also create original pages for your own content. 

For example, I've created a lesson about a book "Mindset" using different online resources.  To create a new jog, select "My Jogs" tab and  click on "Create New Jog" button.

 Insert title, write a brief description, and select a category.

Type a page title,  the URL, and page comments for each page.

Use this Jog the Web Tutorial to learn how to create your own jog.

The Physics Classroom

The Physics Classroom is an online, free-to-use physics website developed primarily for high school physics students and teachers. The website features a variety of sections intended to support both teachers and students in the tasks of learning and teaching physics. This website is created by Tom Henderson, a physics and chemistry teacher at Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, Illinois since 1989.

The Physics Classroom Tutorial is among the most popular sections of the website. The Tutorial covers basic physics topics using informative graphics and an easy-to-understand language. Each unit is divided into lessons and sub-lessons. A lesson resembles the type and extent of coverage typically given to that topic in class.

The Shockwave Physics Studios consists of a collection of pages which feature interactive Shockwave files that simulate a physical situation. To view animations, you have to install Shockwave Player.

The Minds On Physics Internet Modules (affectionately known as Minds on Physics or MOP) consists of more than 1300 questions, 135 challenging assignments, and 15 modules that are designed to provide students with a learning opportunity, an exercise in thinking, and a chance to reflect and review.

Watch this video to get acquainted with the Minds On Physics Internet Module.

The Physics Classroom website is packed with information, animations, learning modules, and designed to improve student conceptions of common physics topics.